Donna can currently be seen playing a sultry seductress on Fashion House, a nighttime drama on MyNetworkTV.“I began working with a lot of designers and companies… and realized how everyone was very interested in me to model their clothing,” she recalls. “To make a long story short, I started working with an agency that started to send me out for ad campaigns.”
Donna Feldman seen sexy with lingerie black color. Her beautiful face by floodlighting keen eye makes Donna to come up is sure full of confidence. More than anything else now she have become famous artist.
Donna Feldman model photo girl who successfully pierces market movies America. Within a matter of months, Feldman became a rising star in the fashion world thanks to prominent spots for Rampage, Jaguar, Fila, American Apparel, Zanetti, Diesel, Panasonic, and She even shook her booty in music videos for Justin Timberlake, Sugar Ray and Dwight Yoakam.