Donna Feldman with Sexy Fashion

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Donna Feldman sexy girl model plays Gloria Thompson on Fashion House, a well-touted, 2006 fall drama that also stars Bo Derek and Morgan Fairchild. Prior to landing a role on the program she appeared as one of the luscious models on NBC’s hit game show Deal or No Deal.

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Donna Feldman, sexy girl never intended to become a model. Despite her stunning appearance this Calabasas cute began her career far away from the limelight as a fashion marketing and merchandising student.

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Donna received an even bigger break in 2005 when she was hired as a trophy model for the 78th Annual Academy Awards. Dressed in a revealing gold evening gown, Donna was seen by millions of people worldwide as she escorted Hollywood’s top stars across the stage. That extra bit of exposure landed her a subsequent gig as a spokesmodel on Deal or No Deal, a show that quickly became a prime-time hit for NBC.


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